Mobile Friendly Website Overhaul

You may have noticed that Google has been sending out notifications to every website owner letting them know how woefully inadequate their site is at adjusting to the mobile visitor. This is because mobile devices are quickly becoming the way people browse the web, and mobile search is actually shifting to only include the sites that people can actually READ from their mobile devices.

Which makes perfect sense. Except it means that the beautiful website you made only a few short years ago, and invested ALL that money in, is now gorgeously out-of-date.

Every so often, all websites need upgrade. It’s time for a mobile friendly website overhaul.

Maintain Your Edge

Sorry, but you’re not alone. Almost EVERYONE is upgrading, in order to retain the competitive edge that they’ve worked hard for. If you’re one of the industries whose visitors arrive mostly off mobile search, this ONE factor could invalidate almost all the other work you’ve done to achieve good rankings. And, because some of your competition is likely updating their site for the first time in a few years, you can sometimes lose even more ranking than you’d expect if you don’t take a fresh look.

Our mobile-friendly update service usually doesn’t need to completely replace the website. Sometimes it’s just a matter of updating a few key components. Changing styles, altering the order in which code comes up, etc. More often, it is a large overhaul, but we never quote you more than you need.

Contact us if you want a website brought up to snuff and made as mobile-friendly as possible.