Client Acceptance Policy

Clean Business Conscience

Our job around here is boosting the business success of other companies. Taking that into consideration, we feel a responsibility to use that expertise only where that would result in a positive effect on the world in our own estimation. We reserve the right to decline to provide services to companies if we have reason to believe they are acting unethical, dishonest or harmful. In the end, we don’t want to help unethical people to be a success. Thus, we do not accept clients if we feel it would be unethical to help them. If our kids saw our client list, we want nothing to be ashamed of.

We DO NOT ACCEPT clients who work with, create, sell, promote, forward, or in any way are related to drugs, violence, deviancy, or quick-money schemes, or have parent companies who violate this policy. We will not work with affiliate sites, scraper blogs or spammers of any kind.

We won’t work with clients who refuse to grant full access to their web properties, as it cuts us off at the knees, and we’ve found that those people who are hiding something are usually violating the ethics clause of our client acceptance policy. We also won’t work with people who insist on knowing our proprietary techniques in full. We need you to understand that some of what we do is kept secret in part to give our clients an edge, and that highly technical consultants cannot always completely divulge trade secrets.

We reserve the right to refuse to help someone who doesn’t necessarily fit into the above categories for any reason at any time.

However, please note that we will also therefore be working with a clean conscience and a policy of openness and truth. That’s who we are.