Technical Mumbo Jumbo

We’re geeks. Here’s some technical data to show off our geek pride.

Some of our web design and programming capabilities:


XHTML Strict or transitional




We’ll tighten up your scripting as well. We try to work around these, finding other means of accomplishing the same functionality, or minimizing their role in a page. One of the key steps of redesign is cleaning up and optimizing scripts as well.

Also, wherever possible, we recommend WordPress as a platform.

We really actually understand how Linux servers work in general and how yours should be working in specific. If you’re on a Windows server, we may be able to help you, but certainly not with as much flexibility.

In fact, as far as LAMP (Linux, Ajax, MySQL and PHP working together) goes, we have our own test server in house, so your LAMP based websites are solidly tested before they go live. Plus they’ll be search-friendlier than if the SEOs aren’t on the team.

Our team has an average of 15 years experience in coding.

We’ve got a good idea of how all these things work together best to improve reach and visibility- and that’s what matters, really. Basically, doing it smarter saves you a lot of expensive backtracking later on.

We have a 30 + year experienced web programmer who works with anything built on Linux, in addition to pretty much anything else since Fortran. If you need something totally custom, in whatever language you need it in, talk to us. We’ve probably got it covered.

We presently out-source for extensive visual redesigns. There are tons of visual design companies out there. But we are looking for a graphic artist with an extensive knowledge of web coding standards and to fit in with our team.

If we can’t solve a particular problem, we luckily have numerous trusted colleagues we can outsource particular specialties to.  Trusted is the key word. It takes years to find the right folks, and we do know them.

We have partnerships on some projects and are willing to come in as an outside consultant with any visual design firm that needs outside SEO help without interfering or trying to steal their client away. We like working with other professionals. Everyone learns something and we get to talk geek with people who really understand us.

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